Personal Development Days
Article 29. Children’s education should help them fully develop their personalities, talents and abilities. It should teach them to understand their own rights, and to respect other people’s rights, cultures and differences. It should help them to live peacefully and protect the environment.
At Trafalgar School, our five Personal Development Days are an integral part of our curriculum offer. On these days, we suspend the usual timetable to enable all year groups to experience a day of learning designed to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We are proud to offer talks from various speakers and interactive activities. We ensure all year groups have access to a minimum of three opportunities to work with external visitors per year. Personal Development Days enhance our PSHE offer and are planned to develop students' relational approaches, behaviours and interactions.
Each Personal Development Day is closely linked to one of our core values: aspiration, community, inclusion, resilience and respect. Our values sit at the heart of our work as a school and our Personal Development Days are essential in providing students with the opportunity to translate the knowledge required to embody these values into life long behaviours.
Personal Development Days are reviewed regularly and Student Voice used to evaluate their impact.
PD Days 2023/24
Community - Working with others in successful relationships. Tuesday 3rd October 2023.
Aspiration - Business, Careers and Enterprise day. Wednesday 29th November 2023.
Respect - Recognising and challenging abuse. Thursday 8th February 2024.
Resilience - Mental, physical and online wellness. Wednesday 20th March 2024.
Inclusion - Diversity in our city. Wednesday 18th July 2024.