The school is genuinely inclusive. Students appreciate the difference being at the school makes to them
Russell Bennett, Director of Education - GLF Trust

Consultation on proposed works at Trafalgar School

14 Jan 25

Consultation on proposed works at Trafalgar School’s site to increase overall capacity, with the addition of a new building comprising of a Performing Arts block and internal refurbishment to create additional specialist teaching spaces.

Salterns Academy Trust is consulting on proposals for works at Trafalgar School’s site to accommodate a steady increase in its total student numbers to 1160 in the academic year 2030/31, followed by a reduction in subsequent years to reach a total of 1100 from the academic year 2032/33 onwards.

To accommodate the increase in student numbers, a new specialist teaching space is to be constructed on the Trafalgar School Site which will include dedicated drama, dance and music teaching spaces and associated facilities including changing facilities and toilets.

Further works to repurpose existing teaching spaces within the school to create specialist facilities are also planned.

The proposed increases are in direct response to the growing demand for additional school places within Portsmouth. Our proposal is supported by extensive local authority planning which indicate a need for increased capacity in our secondary schools to accommodate the rising number of school-aged children in the city.

We are keen to hear from parents, guardians, and other stakeholders on this matter. The consultation period will run from 13ᵗʰ January 2025 for 3 weeks during which time we welcome written responses to this proposal to the address in the letter or via email at

View the full letter here:

Trafalgar School Consultation Letter - Jan 2025