Train to Teach

Inspiring Future Teachers (IFT) is a national School Centred Provider of Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) working through regional partners to offer one-year postgraduate routes to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) with the option to study for a masters level Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE).

Inspiring Future Teachers - HISP Teacher Training is your local hub and aims to provide the opportunity to train to teach in Portsmouth.

Trafalgar School is committed to supporting trainee teachers. We work with a range of both local and national teacher training providers and universities and ensure the highest quality of mentoring and support. 

If you are interested in training to teach, please get in touch with Alice Raeburn, Deputy Headteacher - Quality of Education. We are happy to offer a tour of the school as well as bespoke experience days.

Useful links:

Inspiring Future Teachers -

Get Into Teaching -

Teacher Training Funding -