Personal Development
Article 29 (Goals of education): Children’s education should encourage children to respect others, human rights and their own and other cultures. It should also help them learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.
Through our Personal Development curriculum, Trafalgar School encourages students to develop their understanding of themselves and the world around them. Personal Development Days explore themes such as sex and relationships, keeping healthy, justice and the law and careers advice. Our Gatsby benchmarked careers programme means that students are encouraged to consider aspirational next steps and our developing links with colleges and universities exposes students to a wider range of educational experiences.
What is Personal Development?
- Relational Practice
- British Values
- Extra-Curricular including Activities Week
- Work Experience And Careers
- Personal Development Days
- Student Leadership
- Vertical Tutoring House System
95% of students felt SRE on Personal Development Day was relevant and important to learn.
“We would like to say a massive thank you to all at Trafalgar School, we had an amazing day! Paul Wilkinson, the CEO of Prison Me No Way, and Lady Edwina Gosvenor, the charity’s founder, who visited the year 9 sessions yesterday thoroughly loved the school.”
"The thing I found most useful was actually the talk with @paulhannaford. Although I hated the images and they made me feel sick, I thought it was a really good lesson for Year 7 and Year 8 to learn about why not to do drugs and any other illegal stuff. It can lead to serious consequences and change your life as well as your family’s too!”
Year 8 Student