Year 9 Options Process 2023

Article 29 (Goals of education): Children’s education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to the fullest.

Welcome to our Year 9 Options page and the next step in your child's educational journey.

In today’s constantly changing society, it is important for your child to develop the range of skills and knowledge required to prepare them for their next educational step and adult life beyond Trafalgar School. We are proud to offer a wide range of subjects and qualifications through our KS4 curriculum offer and aim to provide all students with a broad and balanced offer to ensure they are successful.

To support you and your child in making their option choices, we are running a Year 9 Option Evening in person on Tuesday 14th March 2023 between 6 and 7.30pm. This event will start with a live talk in our Main Hall at 6pm and give you and your child opportunity to discuss choices with our Curriculum Leaders. A range of local colleges and technical providers will be available to discuss your child’s future study options. You will also be invited for a 1:1 RAP meeting with your child’s tutor to discuss choices and make final selections which will take place between 21st and 30th March.

2023 Options Booklet.

During Years’ 7, 8 and 9 your child has studied a broad and balanced range of subjects. This booklet provides you and your child with key information about the subjects and courses available to study in their final two years at Trafalgar School.

Options Booklet 2023

What subjects are on offer?


Core Offer
Core – Maths
Core – English
Core – Science
Core – PE
EBAC Offer
Computer Science
Open Option Choices
Travel & Tourism
Film Studies
Sports Studies
Art Textiles
Child Development
Food Preparation
3D Design
BTEC Music
Drama Production
Drama Acting
Fine Art
Health & Social Care

All students must study the core curriculum subjects: English, maths, combined or triple science, core PE and PSHE. These subjects will be automatically added to your child’s choices.

All students must also study one of history or geography.

All students on the pink pathway must select either French or Spanish and we strongly advise that students on the cream pathway also continue to study a language.

Your child will have a personalised options form sent with their options booklet. This will specify their pathway.

Parents of students on the orange pathway will also have been contacted by Miss R Davis to discuss their child’s place on this pathway.

In addition to the core offer, students have four option subjects to select.

For all students one must be either geography or history, leaving three choices to be made.

Students on the orange pathway will have additional literacy and numeracy as one option and students on the pink pathway must select either French or Spanish within their three options. 


Tuesday 14th March 2023


March 21st-30th


31st March 2023




September 2023:


Year 9 Options’ Evening


 1:1 Parent/student RAP meetings with tutor.


Deadline for completed forms.


Option choice confirmation issued to students and parents/carers.


Year 10 courses begin.

The Ebacc a suite of core subjects that the Department for Education recommends students study until the end of Key Stage 4.  Studying this range of subjects ensures that students have access to the widest range of post 16 choices.

DfE_EBacc_Leaflet.pdf (

Colleges take intake into account GCSE grades and subjects taken when considering a students’ application as they give a good indicator of academic ability or aptitude. Student’s grades are also used by colleges to determine the level of the courses they should TAKE. Students with higher grade pathways are likely to be invited to take A level, T level or Level 3 BTEC qualifications.

If your child decides to go to University, regardless of the subject they want to study, the majority of university courses look for at least a grade 4 or 5 in English, maths and science. Some University go further and ask for specific subjects at GCSE, with certain grades. It is worth checking University websites for details if your child has a career path in mind.

Local colleges will be attending our Options Evening event on 14th March and will deliver a brief talk to parents.

Our social media shares local college open evening dates which you are able to attend.