The school is genuinely inclusive. Students appreciate the difference being at the school makes to them
Russell Bennett, Director of Education - GLF Trust

Values & Ethos

As a relational school, we pride ourselves on our calm, friendly and nurturing learning environment and the positive relationships that are fostered between students, staff and parents. We work hard to ensure our students' experience is founded on our five core values, linked to the articles of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as part of our commitment as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School.



We will respect everyone’s right to learn, our school environment and the beliefs of others. We listen to each other.

Article 29 – Education must encourage your respect for human rights, parents, your own culture and the culture of others and the environment.
Article 30 – You have the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of your family.



We will be an active part of our school community, our local community and be global citizens.

Article 15 - You have the right to join groups and meet with other children.
Article 31 – You have the right to relax, play and take part in cultural activities.



We persevere in all that we do and welcome challenges that help us make progress. We will never give up so we can reach our full potential. We all support each other.

Article 6 – You have the right to develop your full potential.
Article 29 – Your education must develop your personality, talents and abilities to the full.



We will always be the best we can be. We will always try our hardest and aim high. We are lifelong learners.

Article 29 – Education must develop your personality, talents and abilities to the full.
Article 17 – You have the right to information that is reliable.


We will work positively and supportively with everyone showing respect whatever their beliefs, background, race, gender, abilities or religion.

Article 23 – You have the right to a full and decent life if you have a disability.
Article 14 – You have the freedom to think and believe what you choose.