The welcome and friendliness of staff at Trafalgar is second to none
Beth Thomas Hancock and John Lynch, University of Brighton


Overall effectiveness: Good

The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Outstanding
Leadership and management: Good
Previous inspection grade: Good

‘Pupils thrive and feel safe in this highly inclusive school.’

‘Relationships are highly positive because staff take time to understand and remove barriers to pupils’ learning.’

‘Inclusive practice threads through all aspects of leaders’ work to make sure all pupils have the opportunity to succeed.’

‘Pupils behave in a mature and exemplary way towards each other.’

‘Pupils see themselves as ’Team Trafalgar’ and are proud to represent their school.’

‘There is a strong culture of safeguarding.’

‘The personal development of pupils is exceptional.’

‘Teachers have expert knowledge about the subjects they teach.’

‘Pupils openly share how they are overcoming challenges in the nurturing ‘Relational Practice Community Circles’…they take pride in each other’s successes and take great care not to ‘harm the community’ feel of the school through unkind behaviour.’

June 2023

Full report