Leave of Absence Requests

Leave of Absence Requests:

If you know your child is going to be away from school then you must complete a leave of absence request form available from the school website or reception.

Leave of Absence Form

Parents are requested NOT to arrange family holidays during term time as this is likely to be regarded as unauthorised absence and parents may receive a Fixed Penalty Notice as a result. However, there may be exceptional circumstances and, as such, each request will be considered by the Head of School.


At Trafalgar School, we recognise good time management is a life skill that needs to be taught.

Each day, your child should be in the school building no later than 8.45 am to make their way to tutor. Registers will be taken at 8.50 am: if your child arrives after this time then they are late to school and will be sanctioned accordingly.

Late detentions run daily and serve as a reminder to all, the importance we place on good punctuality.

Students who are late after registers close will be marked as absent for the morning session and this will be classed as unauthorised absence from school. Parents may receive a Fixed Penalty Notice as a result of persistent lateness.


Your child should aim to achieve a minimum of 97% attendance during each academic year. If your child has consistently good attendance they will almost certainly outperform those students who have poor attendance. By having good attendance at school they may make a positive impact on the rest of their life by achieving their very best.

If your child is not in school then they must have a justifiable reason and contact must be made with school before 9.30am at the latest on the first day of absence.

Your child’s absence always needs to be explained either through a phone call, email, letter and/or medical evidence when appropriate.

If a parent does not make contact with the school you can expect a member of staff to phone to find out the reason for your child's absence.

Attendance Rate

By End of Autumn Term

By End of Spring Term

By End of Summer Term






















40 days missed per year over 5 years = 

1 entire year of secondary school education missed!

Portsmouth City Council Attendance Campaign - Miss school, miss out!

The new 'Miss School, Miss Out' campaign aims to improve school attendance levels in the city by highlighting to parents, carers and students what they can achieve if they have good attendance and reach their full potential, as well as illustrating how missing school can limit their future lives.

It is important to ensure that each child attends school regularly. Evidence shows that children who do so are more successful, not only in school, but in all areas of life. Missing school means not only missing out on lessons, but also clubs, friendships, careers support, trips and all the other opportunities that school has to offer. If children understand the importance of regular attendance from an early age, it helps them to maintain that attitude throughout their school life and into their work life.  For more information please click here http://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/attendance