Mental Health & Wellbeing

“Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.”

If you have any concerns regarding your mental health and wellbeing, Trafalgar’s School community is here to support you: mental health is just as important as physical health.

As a first step, we recommend that you speak to your tutors as they are your key adults who know you best. It is important to remember that you can speak to any member of staff that you feel comfortable talking to. As a community, we look after each other. We also have a dedicated wellbeing team who are able to guide you to additional support inside and outside of school if needed. To contact the wellbeing team please email

New mental health guidance has been created for children and young people which offers clear and simple advice on accessing the right support at the right time.

You can find quick guides for easy reference and information on where, how and when you can access support if you are experiencing a mental health issue, such as anxiety, depression or eating difficulties.

Visit for more information.

Additional support is available within Portsmouth for both students and their families. To access this support outside of school, please see the ‘Portsmouth Mental Health Support for Young People’ page on the Portsmouth City Council website using the following link:

Emotional Literacy Support Resources:

ELSA Support is a website which provides downloadable resources that support the teaching of emotional literacy or emotional intelligence by Emotional Literacy Support Assistant’s.

Below are some links to resources to support emotional intelligence that can be completed at home, including resources linked to life during lockdown.

Anxiety Training - Advice for Parents
Resources by Topic: